
Caring for the earth through eco-friendly initiatives.

Hokkaido is the greenest island in Japan and 70% of the total forest in Hokkaido is natural. Here you will find many untouched ecosystems, national parks with pristine nature and rich wildlife. Ki Niseko is at the frontiers of sustainable luxury accommodation in Hokkaido and Niseko and we are passionate about preserving Hokkaido the way we know it – beautiful, pristine and green. Ki Niseko is being built using a framework of environmental sustainability. Here are some of our practices:


"Ki" means "tree" in Japanese and we are passionate about reforestation and saving trees. We are reducing printed material to minimum, opting for paperless communication and avoiding overuse of paper wherever possible. Furthermore, we support Trees for Life and plant many trees worldwide every year.

Renewable Energy

Ki Niseko utilizes the energy of our natural onsen hot springs. Waters from the onsen are used to heat the hotel in winter and also recycled for hotel eco-friendly energy and snow maintenance.

Energy conservation

Energy-efficient bulbs and appliances are used throughout the hotel, and we encourage our guests to reuse linens and towels and to turn off their lights and air-conditioners when they are not using them.

Land conservation

In order to reduce our carbon footprint and to help develop the local economy, Ki Niseko uses local Hokkaido materials wherever possible.

Waste reduction & recycling

We take steps to minimize throwaway materials and use of the toxic chemicals; such steps include the utilization of bulk dispensers for amenities, as well as the placement of durable service items in both rooms and restaurants. We have also made a commitment to use biodegradable and non-toxic products wherever possible.


All staff members are given sustainability training about our conservation efforts and are encouraged to take eco-friendly actions whilst on duty, as well as in their private lives.

So much more needs to be done to save the environment. We are always happy to receive new ideas and suggestions how we can help to do so. If you have a suggestion please share it with us at